Copyright provides legal protection for work that involves creativity, including the production of original writings, photographs and illustrations. In the United Kingdom it is an automatic right which protects intellectual property and entitles the creator of a work to determine whether others can or cannot use their creations. contains original work by Francis Wilson which is subject to copyright. In accordance with copyright law, the material may be used for research, private study, criticism and review, providing use is in line with what is legally described as ‘fair dealing’. Please do not plagiarize this work.

This website makes use of photographs and illustrations created by others. In so doing, every reasonable effort has been made to act in accordance with copyright law. In relation to images, it is recognized that copyright generally lasts for the life of the creator plus seventy years, after which copyright expires. Creating a copy of an image does not result in a new copyright.

In addition to the use of photographs and illustrations, this website has embedded YouTube videos. Their inclusion is understood to be in accordance with YouTube’s terms of service, the material within them being in the public domain.

Please follow this link for information about copyright provided by the UK government.